Build 20.0.746: Connection quality reporting and scheduled conference editing.

The final release of the 3CX Softphone Build 20.0.746, builds upon the success of the recent BETA release, and focuses on better functionality for users as well as cost saving opportunities. This update introduces the syncing of Google contacts as well as improvements in connection quality reporting and the opportunity to edit scheduled conference participant invitations. There’s also an opportunity to edit mobile numbers before a call. Read on to learn more.

Sync Your Google Contacts

Along with the release of V20 Update 5, the Google Workspace integration makes it easier to manage and access your contacts from within the 3CX Softphone by syncing your Google contacts. To enable this feature, go to the Contacts tab and select the Google filter to sync your contacts.

Connection Quality Reporting

Easily diagnose call quality issues and monitor ongoing call quality in real time by clicking on your extension avatar. Then enable ‘Monitor Connection Quality’ and select the monitoring period you’re interested in. A short report will appear in your call history once your call ends. If you require a more detailed report you’ll need to log in to your Web Client then go to ‘Calls’ and finally click on the ‘Show call quality report’ button next to the call.

Edit Your Scheduled Conference Invite

It’s now even easier to edit your invited participant list ahead of the start of a scheduled conference when you want to add additional contacts. All you need to do is go to your already scheduled conference, click on the Plus (+) button and select more participants to invite.

Edit External Numbers Before a Call

Edit external numbers before making a call. All you need to do is go to the Recents tab and right-click on the number you wish to edit. Then select ‘Edit before call’ from the menu. You will see that the number is copied to the keypad for further editing before the call is made.

How to Get 3CX Softphone Final

Download or update to the latest Windows Softphone from the Microsoft Store or the Microsoft Store website.

For instructions on how to install and provision the 3CX Windows Softphone app refer to our User Manual.

View the complete Change Log for a detailed breakdown of updates in this latest build.

Head over to the dedicated Windows Softphone Forum to let us know what you think.